Tel: 023 81943275
Why do I need a Mummy MOT?

As wonderful a time as pregnancy and birth is, there is no doubt that it puts a women's body through a lot of changes, which can cause strain on the musculoskeletal system. When tissues are not functioning optimally pain and disfunction can occur.
This is why we believe it is essential for post-natal women to be given the correct support towards birth recovery, allowing them to safely return to activities they love and regain control of their bodies.
Mums need to bend, squat and lift so we provide clinical postnatal care and functional exercises for our patients following birth (no matter how long ago).
What happens in a Mummy MOT?
Detailed consultation to discuss birth and any issues arising form this, as well as general health and wellbeing
Bowel and bladder screening
Assessment of scar tissue (including c-section and episiotomy)
Full functional postural assessment
Pelvic floor assessment (this does include internal assessment, but only if you wish)
Sexual function screening
Screening of tummy gap (known as Diastasis Recti)
A bespoke recovery program suited to your needs identified in the assessment
Advice and recommendations for recovery moving forward (including treatment and management recommendations or referral if required)
A report of findings
Initial assessment, rehab program and report of findings