Tel: 023 81943275
Covid 19 treatment policy
Patient eligibility
Both massage and osteopathic appointments are available to all patients. If you are shielding then please consider your personal circumstances before booking an appointment.
Prior to appointment
Prior to your appointment please complete the COVID screening form attached to your booking reminder. If you or someone in your household is unwell then we would ask that you please postpone your appointment. There will be no charge for this.
Appointments will take place at Anytime Fitness, 27 Salisbury Road, Totton, SO40 3HX
Infection control
Only one patient will be permitted in the treatment room at any time and waiting facilities will not be available.
All non-essential items removed from the treatment area.
Patients will be asked to wear their own face covering (a water-resistant face mask if patients are suffering from conditions such as hayfever) and temperature will be taken prior to the commencement of treatment.
Patients will be asked to wash and sanitise their hands upon entering the building and to confirm lack of symptoms and contact with COVID patients.
No refreshments will be offered to patients at their treatment time.
Patients will be asked to attend their appointment alone, if possible and not to bring any unnecessary items to the clinic.
Plinth and all surfaces will be cleaned before and after treatment.
Plinth will be covered with couch roll only, all other soft coverings will be removed.
Wipeable pillows have been introduced for patient comfort.
Patient undress will be kept to a minimum.
Osteopath will wear PPE consisting of gloves, mask and disposable apron, which will be changed for each patient.
Hands and forearms will be washed before and after removing gloves, for each patient. Hand sanitiser will also be applied frequently.
Osteopath will travel straight to the clinic from home and change clothes before and after the treatment session.
The option to perform case history via video/telephone consult will be available prior to treatment.
Patients will be asked to pay via contactless payment where possible.
Patient treatment time will be kept to the minimum required for adequate treatment of presentation.
One patient every 45 minutes to allow for adequate aeration of the treatment area.
Please note that as information and guidance are ever-changing we will be updating these policies regularly. If you have any questions of suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.
For the safety of our patients and ourselves, we have introduced new clinic protocols, that allow us to minimise the risk cross-infection. This is outlined below and was updated on Wednesday 22nd July 2020.